RE: [stella] optimization : sneaky fractional bit representation

Subject: RE: [stella] optimization : sneaky fractional bit representation
From: "David C. Schweinsberg" <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 01:00:19 +0100
Hmmm...  Yes, I've done this sort of thing when writing adventure games for
the Casio PB-100 (trying to cram everything into 1.5KB), although the
advantage there was that space was the problem, and *not* time.  Trying to
perform a division in limited time is a real pain, whereas shifting bits
always takes the same amount of time.

This has always been the big issue for me with the 2600 - time.  Early on I
spent days inventing really "clever" encoding schemes for my vast game
landscapes, only to find I'd never have the time to decode it quickly enough

I've tried to push playfield graphics hard with my platform game - Droid -
which you probably won't have seen because I haven't posted a version since
you joined the list (RSN though!).  I'm going to tidy up the source code so
I can post the next version with full source - and I'd welcome your views
and comments!

BTW guys, you won't be seeing my name on any upcoming Psygnosis games,
because I turned the job down :(.  My big game programming break has come
and gone - oh well.  The 2600 is once again my primary platform!

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