Antwort auf: [stella] Re:Pacman (and Frogger?)

Subject: Antwort auf: [stella] Re:Pacman (and Frogger?)
From: <kurt.woloch@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 20:20:21 +0200
On Mon May 18 17:27:59 1998, Chris wrote:

> (An italian server?!)
> - since Chris himself didn't mention it. Congratulations to his
> programming effort!
>I didn't realize I had a mirror!

And an outdated one, too... while your real homepage was updated in
August 1997, the mirror tells it was updated in April 1996. So, please
forget the address I wrote - it's also much slower than the following

>My page is
>and from there to own_pac...
>Tell me if anybody is interested, and I'll update the pages...
>(The internet version is FREE, with source, not shareware anymore!)
>Well, while we are doing advertisments, I also did a frogger for PC, it uses
>(probably copyrighted sounds) of VCS Parker Frogger :-)!
>(sound only under DOS).
>This one too is not updated yet, I have by now a version with the yankee
>mod :-)

Ah, interesting to hear... I hope it's the MOD I wrote and sent you...
(sorry for that advertisement again)
I didn't mention it, because you named it Karl Quappe, and we were
initially talking about copyright issues here, right? (or, as Eckhard
would say, no?)
Maybe you should also update your "Other Froggers" page. I hope you
don't take the Supercharger Frogger for "rumoured" anymore, along with
NOT having a screenshot of it... If you still haven't got it (the
screenshot), maybe someone on the list can help you out... If not, I can
search for one on the net. I think I came across a screenshot of this
already, but I can't remember where now.

With love (and many frogs to save)
Kurt Woloch

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