Re: [stella] Distella --- DAsm problem

Subject: Re: [stella] Distella --- DAsm problem
From: "HOMEM ..." <lito62@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 10:09:27 PDT

>From owner-stella@xxxxxxxxxxx Sat Aug 22 09:05:17 1998
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>Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 18:02:04 +0200
>To: stella@xxxxxxxxxxx
>From: Eckhard Stolberg <Eckhard_Stolberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: [stella] Distella --> DAsm problem
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>At 18:55 21.08.98 -0000, you wrote:
>>Thanks for the help.  And not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but 
>>(that might seem really really weird to someone not from the US, huh?  
>>does it have international appeal?  ;)...
>We say "Einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul." in Germany,
>wich means exactly the same. :-)
>>I did try to make a wav with Pitfall and had the dangest time.  I was 
>>using VirtualPC to run makewav in DOS via emulation, and then holding 
>>tape recorder up to my speaker to tape the sound when Netscape played 
>>so heavens only knows where the weakest link in that chain is.
>Why do you insist on using a MAC, when you obviously have the mindset
>of a PC user? ;-)
>>At any rate, if someone could tell me why Matt's DAsm chewed this up 
>>found errors with stuff like the word "the" in the comments, I'd 
>>appreciate it.  When I do start spitting out more code to the list 
>I managed to compile it with DASM and tried it out on a real VCS.
>The problems were:
>Your email program seems to wrap the text at column 75, so that some
>of the comments spill into the next line.
>Labels and equates are case sensitive in DASM. Therefore '.word Start'
>does not refer to the label START.
>The fine movement is a bit strange on a real VCS, since you didn't
>do the STA HMOVE right after a STA WSYNC. (Bradford has posted about
>this phenomenon some time ago.)
>As Erik has pointed out, there is is a STA WSYNC missing in the
>LF0B2 loop, which leads to multible images on a real VCS.
>Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg
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