Re: [stella] Atari 7800

Subject: Re: [stella] Atari 7800
From: "Peter Pachla" <peter.pachla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 15:16:57 -0000
Hi Matt,

  >The Encryption does not have to cover the entire cart.  A Byte in the top of
  >the cart indicates what portion of the cart to use to generate the
  >encryption check.  it can be as little as 4K....
  >....Harry Dodgson's monitor cart (believe it or not, I
  >got one of these from cart hunting in the wild) only "encrypts" the top 4K
  >and the vectors immediately jump out to point in the "unencrypted" space.

Could we not just grab that 4K block and encryption key from the monitor cart
and use it in our own carts?

I for one would like to get back into doing some 7800 coding.

  TTFN - Pete.

 ICQ# 12560790 (Currently unavailable)

 E-Mail:       peter.pachla@xxxxxxxxxx (primary account)

 Peter Pachla: Computer Hardware/Software Engineer,
               Collector Of Arcade Machines & Obsolete Computers,
               Sound Engineer,
               General Fun Guy....

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