[stella] And the winners are:

Subject: [stella] And the winners are:
From: "John K. Harvey" <jkharvey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 23:19:25 -0500
	Hello all.

	The winners in the scrolling text demo "Name this CART" contest have been
selected.  Mind you, it was difficult choosing (there were a bunch of
really cool ones).  But, on to the winners: -The ones who selected
"Alphanumeric madness" (for the 2-liner), and "2600 Post-it note" for the
one-liner.  I'm sure Randy will contact you (or you can contact him)
regarding the prize cart.
	My thanks goes out to all who participated.  This was kind of fun for me
(and hopefully for you all as well).

	Thanks again.

	-John K. Harvey

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