Re: [stella] Mac Stella and the Joyport

Subject: Re: [stella] Mac Stella and the Joyport
From: "Ruffin Bailey" <rufbo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 08:48:55 -0400
>>While I'm at it, I haven't heard anything about the next MacStella in
>>some time; what's up there?  Can we expect a new version anytime in the
>>near future?  Joyports and paddles sound cool to me...  ;^)
>Heheheh, Ruffmunch, it's a dead product, let it rest in peace. :)

So you got anything up your sleeve, Lord Robmix Imperator?  The lack of
MacStella news is bad enough I cracked back out the Java code last night
(it's well documented, btw).

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