[stella] 7800 programs -- potential problems?

Subject: [stella] 7800 programs -- potential problems?
From: slapdash@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Russ Perry Jr)
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000 01:32:41 -0600
It has come to my attention that there is a dealer out there who
believes he has gotten the rights to an encryption method to the
7800; actually, it sounds like it might be PICKLOCK.

The problem is, he's planning to do some stuff and also, having
rights to this stuff (paperwork from Atari; I know part of the
story and believe that's legit, though I don't know if it's still
binding due to the Atari -> JTS -> Hasbro buyouts), he says he's
prepared to take legal action against infringers.  On the other
hand, he's well prepared to make cartridges for people -- sort
of "license" the code to make game releases, so he's not trying
to use the courts to keep an exclusive lock on what games are
released, but DOES want to profit on what he paid for.

Now, my worry is that PICKLOCK might be what he has, which could
potentially cause trouble if games done here independently have
code he has rights to (which they could, since right now we're all
somewhat dependent on PICKLOCK).  Does anybody know where PICKLOCK
came from in the first place?

PS - there's probably no need to tie up the list with this, so
feel free to email me instead of the list.

||  Russ Perry Jr   2175 S Tonne Dr #105   Arlington Hts IL 60005  ||
||  847-952-9729    slapdash@xxxxxxxxxxxx    VIDEOGAME COLLECTOR!  ||

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