[stella] Reversed PF1 register (was: Generating a health bar without ruining your health...)

Subject: [stella] Reversed PF1 register (was: Generating a health bar without ruining your health...)
From: "Thomas Jentzsch" <tjentzsch@xxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 09:06:40 +0200
Roger wrote:
> It is also a PITA to deal with the reversed middle PF register (what were they thinking?)

The reversed middle register can be used to draw nice looking asymetrical (and scrollable) upper and lower borders, simply by putting the same value into all 3 PF registers (like in Vanguard, Laser Gates, Exocet etc.). This makes the kernel a _lot_ simplier. 

But I don't know, if that was the original intention.

Have fun!
Thomas Jentzsch         | *** Every bit is sacred ! ***
tjentzsch at web dot de |

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