Re: [stella] 6502 questions

Subject: Re: [stella] 6502 questions
From: Thomas Jentzsch <tjentzsch@xxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 19:22:09 +0100
Ben Larson wrote:
> OK I am seriously confused as to the how the compare
> and branch instructions work.  Ok first of all,
> correct me if I am wrong, but when you do a BPL
> doesn't that check to see if the value you are
> comparing is greater than the the value in the
> accumulator?

A compare works like a subtraction (like SBC, but without the carry
- N-flag: set, when the subtracted signed value is bigger, so the result
 is negative (signed compare)
- C-flag: set, when the subtracted unsigned value is bigger (unsigned
- V-flag: set, when there is an signed overflow in subtraction
  (i.E. -128 - 1 and +127 - -1) (signed compare)

> Well if that's so, then is the processor
> comparing the two numbers as unsigned 8-bit integers
> or signed?  In other words, what would be the outcome
> of, say...this:

>    LDA #100
>    CMP #-20        ; -20 signed = 236 unsigned
>    BPL AIsLess     ; in a 2's comp. representation

- 100 is bigger than -20 (or: the result is 120 = $78, that's
positive), so the N-flag is clear. 
- 236 is bigger than 100, so the C-flag is set,
- there was no signed overflow (100- -20 = 120), so the V-flag is clear.

Have fun!
Thomas Jentzsch         | *** Every bit is sacred ! ***
tjentzsch at web dot de |

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