Re: [stella] Poker Solitaire/Squares build 025

Subject: Re: [stella] Poker Solitaire/Squares build 025
From: Jake Patterson <jpatters@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 15:00:48 -0500 (EST)
The scrolling logo needs improvement, maybe constructing it with sprites
would look nicer?

On the crib sheet ( ), my use of:


instead of:


for the numeral one was intentional, it visually seperates the items that
are worth a few points from the item that is only worth one point, and
does the same thing with the teens and the flush which is worth 30.  That
way, you have four visually seperated fields, the item worth only one
point, the items worth a few points, the items worth a few more then ten
points, and the item worth 30 points.

On the inverse video, maybe that would look nicer if there were a few
scanlines gap between each item?  Right now you have three scanlines below
and six scanlines above each number, maybe you could try it out with only
three scanlines above, and three black scanlines in between each block,
and see how that looks.  I'm not sure if that would be better or worse.

Another mode idea that just occured to me is to have it go through the
whole deck instead of just 25 cards.  You would need to put a counter to
show how many cards remain, and allow stacking.  Any row or column with a
blank left in it at the end would score zero.  I don't think it would be
possible for a player to always get 230 points, since the last few cards
may not fit their plan, and they would need to be put somewhere.  Of
course, it occurs to me as I write this that they could just set aside one
row or column and put all the cards that they don't want there, and still
guarantee that they will get four straight flushes and five five four of a
kinds.  Maybe this could be done with more than 25 cards but fewer than
52, so there would still be enough uncertainty to foil such a plan in
general.  Or maybe you could make a mode that allows stacking, but you
still only get 25 cards, that way you could erase a bad card at the cost
of wiping out any points from the row and column that will end up
containing a blank.  Just some ideas.

You could use:

 ##      ##
 ##  ##########
 ##  ##      ##
 ##  ##      ##
 ######      ##
     ##      ##

to indicate that stacking mode is on.

       |@ ]@[ @|
       |@ ]@[ @|           /@@@@@\ |@@@@@@@@@| /@@@@@\   +@@@@@@@@K  |@@@|
       J@ ]@[ @K          ;@@@^@@@;|@@@@@@@@@|;@@@^@@@;  |@@@| \@@@L |@@@|
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      J@' ]@[ `@K        ;@@@@@@@@@;  |@@@|  ;@@@@@@@@@; |@@@@@@@@L  |@@@|
     J@F  ]@[  `@K       J@@@@@@@@@K  |@@@|  J@@@@@@@@@K |@@@|\@@@\  |@@@|
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 J@@P     ]@[     9@@K  J@@@V   ?@@@K |@@@| J@@@V   ?@@@K|@@@|   \@@@|@@@|
@@P       ]@[       9@@K

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