Re: [stella] More Motivation :-)

Subject: Re: [stella] More Motivation :-)
From: Mark De Smet <de-smet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 20:56:13 -0500 (CDT)
Better yet, set the ORG at the end of your code to be $F3FC (and the ORG
at the beginning to $F000).  This will create a 1K image.  This way, the
assembler will tell you if you exceed 1k.

If you use a 1k eprom, this image will work unchanged.  to make it work in
a 2k or 4k eprom, simply double the file to "create" a larger image.  The
doubling can be done in dos:

copy 1kfile.bin+1kfile.bin 2kfile.bin

This will create a 2k binary called 2kfile.bin from a 1k binary called

If you use unix, I will assume that you can figure out how to do this.

Alternatively, if you don't want to double it, use your eprom programmer
to load the image instead of starting at the beginning, have it start in
the last 1k.

This sounds kinda like the "smallest code" project I did a while back.  
Quite a few suggestions from this list got it down quite far.  I lost all
my work from back then so I don't have the code anymore, but the result
was only 38 bytes.  Here is the original thread:


On Mon, 8 Jul 2002, Thomas Jentzsch wrote:

> Manuel wrote:
> > Maybe you already know, the annual 1K Minigame competition is running
> > again.
> > 
> > snip
> > 
> > So, right now I'm thinking of ways to finish a playable 1K version of 
> > "Star Fire" in time. Maybe... :-)
> > 
> > Just thought to let you all know, to have some competition :-)
> 1K is very tough for a machine where the hardware is so much limited and you have no OS you can utilize. But it's a nice challenge. :-)
> BTW: You can make 2K ROMs too. Just set the ORG for the last four bytes to $F7FC. 
> Have fun!
> Thomas
> _______________________________________________________
> Thomas Jentzsch         | *** Every bit is sacred ! ***
> tjentzsch at web dot de |
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