Re: [stella] Progrmmer needed for Bowling 2 :-)

Subject: Re: [stella] Progrmmer needed for Bowling 2 :-)
From: Ruffin Bailey <rufbo1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2002 09:08:15 -0400
So maybe if someone is looking for a new project, maybe
a doable beginners project, you should check it out:

Well, the overlapping pins would make things a little more difficult than it would first appear, I think, especially if you're using the player graphics (which is pretty much a given for that resolution). That would make for some interesting timing issues. Or, as Crackers would say, "That would make for some interesting timing issues FROM HELL!!!!"

Past that, I think you're right. The "cone" shaped gutter would probably have to go, but I was thinking even before I saw the third screenshot that you could probably give two lanes a good shot. Good old reflective playfield and all that.

Ruffin Bailey

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