Re: [stella] Strange glitches in homebrewed games on the 2600 jr.

Subject: Re: [stella] Strange glitches in homebrewed games on the 2600 jr.
From: Dennis Debro <ddebro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 12:43:47 -0500
Hi Glenn,

> Do we really know this is the cause, though?

Nah, it's really a shot in the dark. Eckhard mentions repeatedly that not doing uninterupted WSYNCs during vertical sync could cause problems. I hope that's not the case. Being that these games play fine on other models including my 7800, it seemed like a great place to start tracking it down :)

> Homebrewers should try to 
> reassemble their games with more standard VSYNC areas and see if the 
> problems go away.

I really wish I could. I know I will now start keeping my eyes open for a cheap jr for testing purposes.

Take care,

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