Re: Re: [stella] 6502 ASM question...

Subject: Re: Re: [stella] 6502 ASM question...
From: Dennis Debro <ddebro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 15:31:04 -0400
Hi Thomas,

> Yes! (at least I think so ;-)
> (or are there constrains between the rows too?)

I don't think so at the moment. I'll see how they pan out.

> How quick do you need it? Do you want to calculate that on the fly?

I'm thinking of storing the values in RAM for a quick draw during the kernel but we'll see :)

> Else a simple loop should do.
> Here's some pseudo code:
> x = 18           // 19 not allowed due to reflected PF, right?
> do
>   if newLadder() // (from random number generator)
>     putLadder()  // new ladder at x and x-1
>     x = x - 4    // skip next 4 positions
>   else
>     x = x - 1    // check next position
> while x > 2

Don't I feel stupid. This seems so simple now. Thanks Thomas, I see what you're doing.

> Plus a check if there is at least one ladder.

There will always be at least one.

Take care,

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