RE: [stella] skipDraw explained (I hope) (was: bipolar joustpong)

Subject: RE: [stella] skipDraw explained (I hope) (was: bipolar joustpong)
From: Manuel Polik <cybergoth@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 06 Sep 2003 11:03:02 +0200
Hi Dennis!

> BTW, I looked at RobotCity for an example and it's 
> there too. Thomas will have to explain how he does 
> this without moving the accumulator to y.

>    dey
>    tya
>    sbc yPosP0
>    adc #H_TANK
>    bcs.doDrawP0
>    lda #0
>    NOP_W
>    lda (ptrP0),y
>    sta.w GRP0

y is already the correct value. You should look where 
and how in a page the graphics data is stored and how 
yPosP0 is treated.


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