Re: [stella] Horizontal movement routine in Donkey Kong and SpaceJockey

Subject: Re: [stella] Horizontal movement routine in Donkey Kong and SpaceJockey
From: Nick Bensema <nickb@xxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2003 17:00:25 -0700 (MST)
Of course, those of you who've been programming the last few years while I've
been vegetating probably don't even need to see the counts anymore.  But if my
inbox is any indication, newbies are coming here all the time, so I thought
I'd add a comment to the code really quick.

Since there's a loop, it's probably a good idea to list the formula for the
cycle count in that place.

On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Dennis Debro wrote:

> LF5A4: STA    WSYNC   ;
>        SEC            ;2
>       ; let z = accumulator
> LF5A7: SBC    #$0F    ;
>        BCS    LF5A7   ; 5 * (z / 15) - 1
>        EOR    #$0F    ;2
>        ASL            ;2
>        ASL            ;2
>        ASL            ;2
>        ASL            ;2
>        ADC    #$90    ;2  
> ; cycle count is 13 + 5 * (z/15)
>        STA    RESP0,X ;4
>        STA    WSYNC   ;3
>        STA    HMP0,X  ;4
>        RTS 

This looks like a useful routine, and it's great to see more VCS archeology
going on.

Nick Bensema <nickb@xxxxxx>   ICQ#2135445
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