RE: [stella] behold, i am become shiva, destroyer of kernals!

Subject: RE: [stella] behold, i am become shiva, destroyer of kernals!
From: Adam Thornton <adam@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 09:11:33 -0600
On Thu, 2004-03-11 at 07:49, KirkIsrael@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > I compiled both source files and tried them on my CuttleCart 2 and 7800, and
> > they both appeared to work fine.  I haven't been following too closely, but
> > was there something specific I need to do to see the kernel break?
> Nah, just load it on a supercharger.   Does CuttleCart 2 have some 
> kind of "ROM" protection that a Supercharger might be lacking?

Um, does this mean that people have started receiving their CC2s?

Ohboybohboyohboyohboy, one more thing to look forward to!

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