skipdraw from Eric Ball WAS: [stella] Finally underway: 2600 Cookbook

Subject: skipdraw from Eric Ball WAS: [stella] Finally underway: 2600 Cookbook
From: KirkIsrael@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 13 Apr 2004 12:50:49 -0000
Eric Ball wrote me the following:

> For the cookbook, here is the famous skipDraw routine:
> ; draw player sprite 0:
>     lda     #P0HEIGHT-1     ; 2
>     dcp     P0_Y            ; 5 (DEC and CMP)
>     bcs     .doDraw0        ; 2/3
>     lda     #0              ; 2
>     .byte   $2c             ;-1 (BIT ABS to skip next 2 bytes)
> .doDraw0:
>     lda     (P0_Ptr),y      ; 5
>     sta     GRP0            ; 3 = 18 cycles (constant)
> P0_Y is initialized to the vertical position (0 = top) plus the height of
> the sprite minus 1 (P0HEIGHT-1).  So when your sprite is 6 pixels tall and
> starts at line 45, then initialize P0_Y with 50 (45+6-1). With each line,
> P0_Y will be decreased.
> The result of the compare will be:
> P0_Y = 50..6: 5 (P0HEIGHT-1) is smaller than P0_Y -> carry = 0 -> skipDraw
> P0_Y =  5..0: 5 is bigger than/equal to P0_Y      -> carry = 1 -> doDraw
> P0_Y = 255..: 5 is smaller than P0_Y              -> carry = 0 -> skipDraw

I tried to put it in action at

The trouble is, he doesn't specify what Y, used in "lda (P0_Ptr),y",
in there--it looks like there should be "sty P0_Y" somewhere, 
since judging by the results it only displays the correct graphic
when Y < POHEIGHT, though of course that would throw of the even count.
(in my code, I'm using Y as a dey/bne'ing countdown.)

Is Eric Ball on the right track, what would this need to be to be 
a successful skipdraw?

In case people were wondering, I'm trying to make one miniprogram
(still easy to understand) that covers a few topics:
-subpixel movement
-joystick reading/firebutton reading
-exact horizontal positioning
-indirect referencing for changing player graphics

then for each of those topics in 2600 Cookbook, the example 
will be that miniprogram with the relevant section in red.
I think it should be a good learning tool.

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