Re: [stella] Loops with two counters

Subject: Re: [stella] Loops with two counters
From: Manuel Rotschkar <cybergoth@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2005 15:47:13 -0400
Hi Bob!

> So, the looping code looks something like this:
>   dey                 ;+2   50
>   tya                 ;+2   52
>   cmp BlockChange,X   ;+4   56
>   bne Kernel1Loopa    ;+2   58
>   dex                 ;+2   60
>   bpl Kernel1Loopb    ;+3   63
> That takes 15 cycles. Is there a faster way?  I really need a few more 
> cycles :)

Hard to tell from the snippet. If you'd swap x and y, you could do
cpx BlockChange,y
saving you the 2 cycles for the TYA...

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