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[Virtools] Several problems - urgent solving - no answer from virtools

Heres the deal: i have put everything (every 3d object) in the group "tude", and given the camera an object slider attach to the group "tude", but it still goes trough most of the objects. somehow the large barrels have a propertie and you cannot get inside them.
Question: Whats wrong? How does the camera enters most of the objects? how come an object, even being double sided,  the camera passes trough one side and not another. And even if you can see that the camera does not enter anything, in the html player it still does depending on the levl of compression that you give to the jpg.
Another question: In the last room, the one with the table and chairs and some armoires, why does the doors of the armoires some are black and some are with the normal texture. this is not a problem of light and all doors have leave 3d studio max 3.1 with the right texture, it only shows the texture if you turn it around and they are all double sided...
    Yet another one: (this is the last one i promisse)
Going from room 2 to 3 (means from the room with large barrels, up the stairs and trough the corridor), in the corridor the image in the left window. This image is perfect in max. i tryed uvwmap turns, double side, 2d tranform in nemo and in photoshop, but it still gets 90 degrees clockwise turned. Question: Why?
    Just one more please so that i give you untill the end of the moth no questions asked. Is there any other more easy way to subtitute several 3d objects to the same mesh?
Thanks in advanced for your attention.
Rodrigo Pitta - 3d artist
