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[Virtools] New Physics Car

Hi All!

We have some problems with the new Physics Car BB.

In the new version there you can use "Analogical Inputs"!
The describtion of the BB is not satisfying for us we are afraid...

Some questions:

- What is the meaning exactly of the Forward/Backward Percentage? Percents
of what?
- How does the engine power in the corresponding array take place in the
- The same question for the values in gear 1 to 5 (transmission ratio?!?)
- Why is the first gear allways 0 and not 1?
- At which moment does the automatic gearbox change the gears?

Please help me :-)

Thanx a lot,

Yours Matthias


Matthias Liebl				[Team Bremen]
Ray Sono AG (Bremen)			[company]
Matthias.liebl@raysono.com		[E-Mail]
Otto-Lilienthal-Str.8, 28199 HB	[Snail Mail]
+49 (0)421 59647-37			[Phone]
+49 (0)421 59647-77			[Fax]
www.raysono.com				[Meet Ray]

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