OpenXML/XSL:P some problem

Subject: OpenXML/XSL:P some problem
From: "Alexandre Trusch" <xml@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 12:12:53 +0200
Hello, I use XSL/XML only since one week. I have th folllowing problem :

1) It seems impossible to create this kind of link with XSL:P
       <a href="test.html?arg1=23&arg2=32"/>
       If I want to construct the href attribute it seems impossible to add
the '&' even with the
       <xsl:text disable-output-escaping = "yes" >

2) How can I add script in the XSL file (All the &,<,... are replaced  by
&amp;,...). My goal is to create an HTML file with a Javascript section in

3) I try to create an array of 3 columns with a set of data. I found some
example like the example 81 on but it don't work my
XSL parser say it can't create the node ! So the only solution I found is to
add <row> tag to the XML data.

Thanks in advanced for your help.
Alexandre Trusch.

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