
Subject: Uppercase
From: Marta Lobato <lobatosm@xxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 13:06:38 +0000

I am trying to do a list of all the keywords that are mentioned
in papers, like XML, xsl, XSQL  And I have
a problem when I want to do a dinamic shortcuts for
the keywords.  I mean I want to put at the top
all the different initials and a link to the 
place in the page where they are.  

The problem is with lowercase and uppercase.  
As I am comparing the initial of one keyword
and the following one, when it is X and x it 
return as different initials and it outputs it,
when in fact they are the same.  So I get a shortcut

Any suggestions to get only 2 3 A B C (but dinamically,
I mean no put a initial that haven't got any keyword).

I hope I could explain myself.  Thank you.

  Marta Lobato.

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