Re: XSL Transformations Requirements Version 1.1 - a crazy idea?

Subject: Re: XSL Transformations Requirements Version 1.1 - a crazy idea?
From: Francis Norton <francis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 19:18:22 +0100

Kay Michael wrote:

> Take a look at <saxon:function> in the current release of Saxon, which does
> just this.
> > The trouble with that is that functions would only be able to return
> > result tree fragments.
> The <saxon:function> extension returns a value using <saxon:return>, so the
> return value can be of any XPath data type.
Yes - sadly although I happily develop in Saxon I have to deliver in
MSXML3, thus my interest in having this as a truly portable feature!

Francis Norton.

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