Re: Special characters turn out as garbage in xslt->html conversion

Subject: Re: Special characters turn out as garbage in xslt->html conversion
From: Paul_Dick@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 10:07:37 -0400
Guðmundur writes:
>If however the html-attribute is "href" the output is
>like this in html:

      <a href="#%C3%81">&Aacute;</a>

>I have absolutely no idea why this happens and haven't
>been able to find any clues. This could of course be a
>bug in saxon for all I know. Any ideas?

I don't believe this is a bug.  Section 16.2 of the spec
states that the HTML output method should escape non-ASCII
characters in URI attribute values using the method recommended
in Section B.2.1 of the HTML 4.0 spec.

Section B.2.1 recommends;
"that user agents adopt the following convention for handling non-ASCII
characters in such cases:
1.Represent each character in UTF-8 (see [RFC2279]) as one or more bytes.
2.Escape these bytes with the URI escaping mechanism (i.e., by converting
each byte to %HH,
where HH is the hexadecimal notation of the byte value).


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