RE: Free Software Company

Subject: RE: Free Software Company
From: Matthew Bentley <>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 09:35:20 +1200
While there are plenty of reasons why non-proprietry software is a good
thing, I think 'proprietry software is the enemy' is a bit melodramatic.
Quite frankly, if no-one was paying for the software we have today, then
there would be no great incentive in companies to make better software. We'd
end up with a world full of linux applications, each with it's own
non-standard interface, and each programmer catering to their' own biases &
subjective ideals. Such a road is great for programmers and computer
experts, and terrible for people who don't have advanced computing skills
(Read 'most of the world').
My 3 off-topic cents.
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