Re: My favourite XSLT enhancement requests

Subject: Re: My favourite XSLT enhancement requests
From: Sebastian Rahtz <sebastian.rahtz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 09:26:46 +0100
Steve Muench writes:
 > other languages) is being worked on by the XSL Working Group
 > which includes as members the implementors of all of best
 > known XSLT engines like (in alphabetical order) 
 > MSXSL3, NovellXSL, OracleXSL, Saxon, Xalan, and xt.
Best known? I count myself as fairly knowledgeable about XSLT, but I
have never heard of it. Google pointed me at a message of yours to
this list back in April, and thats it. Can you elucidate?


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