RE: Baffled by xsl:sort - want to process nodes in reverse docume nt order.

Subject: RE: Baffled by xsl:sort - want to process nodes in reverse docume nt order.
From: Dylan Walsh <Dylan.Walsh@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 10:07:50 +0100
From:	Kay Michael [SMTP:Michael.Kay@xxxxxxx]
Sent:	Wednesday, September 27, 2000 5:30 PM
To:	'xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject:	RE: Baffled by xsl:sort - want to process nodes in reverse
docume nt o rder.

>Which XSLT processor? I think this should work according to the spec, and I
>think it works in Saxon.

Bingo. Before I posted the question to the list, I tested this with Cocoon
(i.e. Xalan) and with XT, and the behaviour was the same in both. So I
assumed that it wasn't a bug and that somehow is what should happen. Hence
the subject "Baffled by xsl:sort..." :-)

So I tried it with Saxon, an lo, it works correctly. However, we are using
the Cocoon framework, so I will have to work around this. David Marstons
suggestion works with Cocoon, so I will use that.

Perhaps this is a difference of interpretation of the recommendation, but I
suspect it is a bug in Xalan and XT, as their behaviour really does not make
sense to me.

Thanks for your help.

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