Re: [xsl] XInclude in Cocoon

Subject: Re: [xsl] XInclude in Cocoon
From: Uche Ogbuji <uche.ogbuji@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 07:00:27 -0700
> > I think you pretty much bring up an undefined crease between the 
> > specifications.  There are many others.
> > 
> > This is what we get until the XML core specs settle down.
>   Well, not that simple, sometimes you just don't want to define
> in a rigid way how processing have to be done, especially when all this
> are actually new sections of a tool box. It sometimes does make sense
> to process first A then B, and in other cases B then A, B and A being
> in the pool:
>    - XLink
>    - Schemas validation
>    - XSLT
>    - XInclude
>    - XML Canonicalization
>    - etc...
>   Even when existing spec defines the processing rigidly like DtD validation
> well the toolkit sometimes need more flexibility (people do want to 
> validate a parsed and modified document without necessarilly going back to
> serialization).

Oh yes.  I'm not pointing this out as an extraordinary problem.  I agree that 
flexibility is needed, but eventually (say in XSLT 1.1 final), there should be 
some discussion of stylesheet behavior in the face of xincludes.

And I'mnot talking about a rigid specification, just notes. Maybe something to 
the tune of

"The stylesheet processor may or may not resolve XInclude inclusions in the 
Stylesheet infoset.  If they are not resolved, they must be treated as literal 
result elements.  In order to create XInclude elements in the result tree, it 
is advisable to use

<xsl:element name='xinclude:include' namespace='

To avoid different behavior in processors that do or do not resolve XIncludes."

>   my 2 cents,

Not centimes?  Too cheap, I suppose.


Uche Ogbuji                               Principal Consultant
uche.ogbuji@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx               +1 303 583 9900 x 101
Fourthought, Inc.                
4735 East Walnut St, Ste. C, Boulder, CO 80301-2537, USA
Software-engineering, knowledge-management, XML, CORBA, Linux, Python

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