[xsl] transform slash n or $$$$ to line break

Subject: [xsl] transform slash n or $$$$ to line break
From: "Sascha Assbach" <sascha@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 14:56:26 +0100
Hi there,

is there any way to transform a string like "$$$$" into a <fo:block/> to
make a line-break?
Or is there "even" a way to transform "\n" to <fo:block/>

here are two examples

<TermineStatusNotiz>Verzögerung in Monaten$$$$Verzögerung in
Monaten$$$$Dritte Zeile</TermineStatusNotiz>

--> shall be transformed with XSLT to

Verzögerung in Monaten<fo:block/>Verzögerung in Monaten<fo:block/>Dritte

so that there is a linebreak in the PDF output.

The input can also contain "\n" as a linebreak. Like

Verzögerung in Monaten
Verzögerung in Monaten
Dritte Zeile

What can i do?

I hope you can help me,

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