Re: [xsl] Setting up style sheets in multiple languages

Subject: Re: [xsl] Setting up style sheets in multiple languages
From: "W. Eliot Kimber" <eliot@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2003 17:08:22 -0600
Hugh Dixon wrote:
I am wanting to set up some style sheets to produce output text and HTML
in multiple languages, eg French, Chinese etc.
Has anyone done this?

ISOGEN has done this. I've developed a generic Java library to support just this task (although it's not limited to XSLT processing, but it was originally designed specifically to support XSLT-based processes). The library is offered through an LGPL open source license. With this library you can have a single XSLT transform that will handle the generation of text for any set of national languages through the use of a central "generated text database" document. It also provides features for configuring and generating back-of-the-book indexes (intended specifically for XSL-FO but could be used with any output target).

While the library's functionality could have been implemented entirely in XSLT, I created the library for the following reasons:

- I wanted to be able to use the same functions, especially generated text management, in non-XSLT contexts (i.e., XML editors)
- I thought it would be easier to develop, test, and deploy as Java code than as XSLT code.

See for more info.

I also spoke about this code in the context of producing internationalized back-of-the-book indexes with XSL-FO at Extreme Markup 2002. That paper is also on the ISOGEN Web site (downloads->white papers). I will be speaking about internationalization and localization of XSL-FO in general at XML Europe in May.


W. Eliot Kimber, eliot@xxxxxxxxxx
Consultant, ISOGEN International

1016 La Posada Dr., Suite 240
Austin, TX  78752 Phone: 512.656.4139

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