[xsl] Get Position of Node in Ancestor Context

Subject: [xsl] Get Position of Node in Ancestor Context
From: Ted Stresen-Reuter <tedmasterweb@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 09:21:04 -0600

I'm trying to get the position of the current node in the context of an ancestor.

For example, I have a form element that has a number of children elements, including non-form elements (such as P and DIV elements). I'm trying to retrieve the position of an INPUT element relative to the parent FORM element, but not taking into account any non-form elements (such as P and DIV elements).

Currently I have a template that matches "input | select | textarea" but because they occur in the context of a TD element, position() returns "1". I've tried using <xsl:value-of select="ancestor::form/*/*[position()]" />, but this just isn't doing the trick.

Any suggestions how I can get the position of the current element relative to a parent form element?

Ted Stresen-Reuter

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