Re: [xsl] How to sort?

Subject: Re: [xsl] How to sort?
From: Mike G <row.filter@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 13:40:33 +0200

I have one more question regarding sorting.
It's a bit more advanced then this sorting algorithm tough.

What I do now, is choose all Article elements that contain info="main"
and info="sub" attributes and then sort everything by state="n"

Now, after altering XML so the it looks like this:

filter="" attribute is removed from Document-elements.
state="" attribute is removed from Article-elements that contain filter="food".

<?xml version="1.0"?>

       <Document title="1" chapter="i" href="file1.xml">
               <Article title="1.1" info="sub" filter="drink" state="1"/>
               <Article title="1.2" info="main" filter="food"/>
        <Article title="1.3" info="main" filter="drink" state="2"/>
       <Document title="2" chapter="ii" href="file2.xml">
               <Article title="2.1" info="main" filter="drink" state="1"/>
               <Article title="2.1" info="sub" filter="drink" state="3"/>
               <Article title="2.2" info="main" filter="food"/>
       <Document title="3" chapter="1" href="file2.xml">
               <Article title="3.1" info="sub" filter="drink" state=""/>
               <Article title="3.2" info="child" filter="" state="8"/>
       <Document title="4" chapter="2" href="file2.xml">
               <Article title="3.1" info="sub" filter="drink" state=""/>
               <Article title="3.2" info="main" filter="food"/>

Is it possible to implement an sorting option that enables Article
elements where filter="food" to be placed on the top of the Article
list, that is giving them higher priority in sort than the previous
value of state="n".

so the XML output will look like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<Document title="1" chapter="i" href="file1.xml" filter="food">
		<Article title="1.2" info="main" filter="food"/>
		<Article title="1.3" info="main" filter="drink" state="2"/>

	<Document title="2" chapter="ii" href="file2.xml" filter="drink">
    	               <Article title="2.2" info="main" filter="food"/>
    	               <Article title="2.1" info="main" filter="drink" state="1"/>

	<Document title="4" chapter="2" href="file2.xml" filter="">
		<Article title="3.2" info="main" filter="food"/>



On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 14:18:16 +0300, jarno.elovirta@xxxxxxxxx
<jarno.elovirta@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> > what i also wanted to add is an option to filter by two parameters
> > instead of one:
> >
> > now:
> > <xsl:apply-templates select="Documents/Document[Article/@info
> > = 'main']"/>
> >
> > Would like to choose all article-elements where info="main"
> > or info="sub".
> E.g.
> <xsl:apply-templates select="Documents/Document[Article[@info  = 'main' or @info = 'sub']]"/>
> Cheers,
> Jarno - Lisa Lashes: Hard Mix



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