Re: [xsl] Saxon for windows?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Saxon for windows?
From: "M. David Peterson" <m.david.x2x2x@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 05:56:33 -0600
These are all interesting notes.

Couple quick points  -

- Implementing transformations via a Web Service is a really easy
thing to do.  And for one off transformations its an excellent choice.
 Beyond one of transformations its a performance bottleneck,
especially when you consider chaining together transformations.

- Capturing the commandline output, again, is really quite simple.
But what next?  The only way to chain together a transformation would
be a to first save the transformation to a file, run another
commandline transformaton with that saved file, and so on and so
forth.  Again, a performance bottleneck.

- The benefits of chaining together transformations from within a
.NET-enabled language are the same as they are for performing these
operations within a Java-based application.  If you expect performance
you simply must have this ability, bottom line.

The facts -

- Saxon.NET allows the ability to perform the exact same operations
that are available to the Java programmer from any .NET-enabled
- Saxon.NET utlizes the IKVM.NET Java byte-code to CIL virtual
machine.  I am also working on a pure C# implementation that utilizes
the core .NET Framework Class Libraries.
- In side-by-side comparisons of Saxon using Suns Java VM and
Saxon.NET recompiled using the latest IKVM.NET compiler (ikvmc) the
performance difference is neglible (around 5% in Saxons favor) and in
some cases (verified by Dimitre Novatchev using Saxon.NET to test his
FXSL XSLT 2.0 functional extension libraries) Saxon.NET outperforms
Sun's Java VM by as much as 100% (twice as fast.)  In particular this
is true when dealing with mathematically intense functions.

Claims that the output of Saxon.NET is inconsistent, and in some cases
incorrect, is simply wrong.

Any other questions?

On 6/2/05, Pieter Reint Siegers Kort <pieter.siegers@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Karl,
> For .NET on Windows, I'm using Saxon to run natively under .NET to get
> support for XPath2, XSLT2 and XQuery1. Basically, I use a background
> that runs in it's native environment - for Saxon, that is the Java runtime.
> The process runs in the background and I just capture its output while
> able to do other things in my application - it's completely independent.
> I also am able to run multiple processors like XslTransform (.NET), MSXML
> (COM), and Xalan-J (Java) - all do have XSLT1 support. I included Saxon to
> get XSLT2 and XQuery1 support. The app I'm building is called XmlBench and
> sofar I'm happy with it - it has reached almost RTM version. When I'm up to
> it I will expose the code on
> There's also a Saxon.NET port, but since it is based on IKVM.NET there's no
> way to get the performance comparing to native use. It also lacks the
> benefit of being sure to get the output the way it's supposed to be. They
> are working on a port to C# too, but I don't see the point anymore since my
> app is doing it better and faster, and I get updates for free.
> Cheers,
> Pieter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karl Stubsjoen [mailto:kstubs@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 4:20 PM
> To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [xsl] Saxon for windows?
> Are you strictly using saxon from a command prompt or are you using as an
> object in VB or .NET applications?
> On 6/1/05, JBryant@xxxxxxxxx <JBryant@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hi, Karl,
> >
> > I use Saxon 8.4 on Windows XP. I know other versions are available as
> > well. You can find them all at
> >
> >
> >
> > I recall reading about a .net port of Saxon, and I recall that it was
> > generally one minor version behind Saxon (so 8.3 when Saxon is on 8.4,
> > etc.). However, I don't recall where to find it (as I didn't need it).
> > Searching Google or the archives of this list should uncover it.
> >
> > HTH
> >
> > Jay Bryant
> > Bryant Communication Services
> > (presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Karl Stubsjoen <kstubs@xxxxxxxxx>
> > 06/01/2005 03:41 PM
> > Please respond to
> > xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> >
> > To
> > xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > cc
> >
> > Subject
> > [xsl] Saxon for windows?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > All right, is saxon available for windows?  Is it free, or requires
> > licensing for a commercial application?  Is there a window objecty
> > model to extend use of Saxon to VB and .Net applications?
> >
> > Thanks... might be time to swith parsers!


M. David Peterson

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