[xsl] Grouping, Sorting on Aggegrated sum of the groupings, for Top XX Groupings

Subject: [xsl] Grouping, Sorting on Aggegrated sum of the groupings, for Top XX Groupings
From: "Darin" <darind@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 16:14:39 -0400
I am using MSXML 4.0 running on an IIS 5.0 server running classic ASP.

I'm trying to transform the xml below grouped by the Id attribute, and sort
(descending) on the aggregated sum(Value).  I'm also trying to limit the
amount of groupings to 6, where the first 5 groupings are the highest
aggregated sum values, and the 6th grouping is an aggregation of the
remaining groups.

Here is an example of the XML:

    <y Id="1" Name="Label" Value="2151"/>
    <y Id="2" Name="Label1" Value="2760"/>
    <y Id="2" Name="Label1" Value="50"/>
    <y Id="3" Name="Label2" Value="99"/>
    <y Id="4" Name="Label3" Value="9"/>
    <y Id="4" Name="Label3" Value="55"/>
    <y Id="5" Name="Label4" Value="56"/>
    <y Id="13" Name="Label5" Value="118"/>
    <y Id="14" Name="Label6" Value="193"/>
    <y Id="17" Name="Label7" Value="54"/>
    <y Id="23" Name="Label8" Value="76"/>
    <y Id="23" Name="Label8" Value="76"/>
    <y Id="23" Name="Label8" Value="76"/>
    <y Id="25" Name="Label9" Value="100"/>

I would like the xml to look like:

<!-- Summation of the Top 5 entries aggregated sum (Desc) -->
    <y Id="2" Name="Label1" Value="2810"/>
    <y Id="1" Name="Label" Value="2151"/>
    <y Id="23" Name="Label8" Value="228"/>
    <y Id="14" Name="Label6" Value="193"/>
    <y Id="13" Name="Label5" Value="118"/>

<!-- Summation of the remaining entries -->
    <y Id="" Name="Other" Value="373"/>

<!-- <y Id="3" Name="Label2" Value="99"/>
    <y Id="4" Name="Label3" Value="64"/>
    <y Id="5" Name="Label4" Value="56"/>
    <y Id="17" Name="Label7" Value="54"/>
    <y Id="25" Name="Label9" Value="100"/> -->

I have tried to use Keys and the XPath position function, but with no

Thanks in an advance for any help!


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