Re: [xsl] Ingoring HTML

Subject: Re: [xsl] Ingoring HTML
From: "Sam D. Chuparkoff" <sdc@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 13:55:24 -0700
OK, it's rude to point out typos, but I just noticed the subject of this
post. If ingore were a word, I think it would mean something along the
lines of embedding while mutilating. So from now on, that's what I'm
calling this funky way of hiding markup in html title elements.


On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 12:40 -0700, Jay Burgess wrote:
> I apologize if this is in the FAQ, but I've searched and can't find it.  (I'm
> kind of new to XSL, so I may just have not seen it.)
> I've got some XML that contains HTML-formatted text.  For example:
> <title>&lt;SPAN style="font-size: 13pt; font-family: Verdana; &gt;The
> &lt;b&gt;Text&lt;/b&gt; That I Want&lt;/SPAN&gt;</title>
> I want to write an <xls:template> to only return, in this example, "The Text
> That I Want".  That is, I want it to ingore all HTML tags in the <title> and
> just return the "text".
> Is this hard to do?
> Jay

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