Re: [xsl] test if null

Subject: Re: [xsl] test if null
From: Ragulf Pickaxe <ragulf.pickaxe@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 09:29:07 +0200
Hi Jay,

I don't understand what you mean that it is not working.
The answer: <xsl:when test="EMPTYNODE[not(node())]"> that DC made -
and other various solutions in this thread - should have worked.

If you cannot make this work, what kind of error does it give. If it
gives no output at all, are you sure you are in the right scope?
Saying "it is not working" does not give us much to work on. The
solutions given should work.

As always, a small sample XML and stylesheet that clearly shows the
problem at hand would help us helping you.

Ragulf Pickaxe :-)

On 6/28/05, -= jay =- <deepsweech@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> i tried this one and still its not working.
> my node would be either
> <EMPTYNODE /> if empty
> and
> now im checking if there is a value or not.
> thanks

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