[xsl] Re: [exslt] Re: [xsl] Importing compiled stylesheets

Subject: [xsl] Re: [exslt] Re: [xsl] Importing compiled stylesheets
From: Colin Paul Adams <colin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 30 Jun 2005 06:04:17 +0100
>>>>> "Mike" == Mike Brown <mike@xxxxxxxx> writes:

    Mike> Colin Paul Adams wrote:
    >> You can use element-available within xsl:when to test for the
    >> availability of the exslt:include-compiled-module instruction,
    >> and, if it's not available, fall back on normal xsl:include

    Mike> xsl:include is a top-level element that is typically
    Mike> evaluated at 'compile' time. You can't make its evaluation
    Mike> depend on a run-time condition.

Mike, what you say is true, but is not relevant to the case.
xsl:use-when IS a compile-time construction - it runs at compile-time, 
not at run-time.
and the condiotion is not a runt-ime condition - element-available
evaluates, AT COMPILE TIME, whether or not the instruction is
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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