Re: [xsl] Finding source file date/time from XSLT

Subject: Re: [xsl] Finding source file date/time from XSLT
From: António Mota <amsmota@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 15:02:51 +0000
Can't you just send the date/time of the file as a parameter to the XSLT?

On 10/02/06, Jens Stavnstrup <js@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> I am current using Ant 1.6.5, Saxon 8.6 and Xerces 2.7.1 to transform a
> large set of XHTML files (adding header, footer, menu bar etc.).
> Additionally, I would like to add a time stamp of the source file in the
> transformed file (i.e. not the time the file was transformed, but the last
> time it was edited).
> When browsing the from the Ant distribution, it looks as
> if the input file is send to the XSLT processor as a object.
> So as far as I can see, it should be possible to write a Saxon
> Extension function, which can return the date/time of the processed XML
> file - please, correct me if I am wrong.
> Since I am far from a Java Whiz, I hope that somebody can provide me with
> a hint or two on how to implement such an extension function.
> Regards,
> Jens

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