[xsl] <xsl:message terminate="yes"> results in zero byte file getting written

Subject: [xsl] <xsl:message terminate="yes"> results in zero byte file getting written
From: "Grant Slade" <grant.slade@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 14:46:49 -0600
When I use the following to transform a file:

transformer.transform(xmlStreamSource, new StreamResult(new

If I have an <xsl:message terminate="yes"> in the xsl stylesheet
"myfile.xml" gets written but as a zero byte file.

If I try and use Java to delete the file through the File class, it
won't delete it although it finds the file through the exists()

My question is, is there a way to either not have the file get written
in the first place, or is there a way to force a delete of that file?

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