Re: [xsl] inserting page-break after certain terms

Subject: Re: [xsl] inserting page-break after certain terms
From: Tony Graham <Tony.Graham@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 12:52:18 +0100
On Tue, Jul 03 2007 08:38:15 +0100, info@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I declared a local variable where I count the lines and convert them
> to [mm] to achieve the height of a certain <section> which includes
> several elements.
> I know that the print space is 180mm high. Now I want to create a loop
> where I count the height of <section> until it is smaller or even than
> 180mm and insert a page-break afterwards.
> The next step should be to check if the rest of the space is 20mm,
> 40mm, 60mm and so on.
> This is what I have written so far.
> <xsl:choose>
> 	<xsl:when test="180 - sum($gesamt) = 20">
> 	<xsl:apply-templates/>
>         </xsl:when>
> 	<xsl:when test="180 - sum($gesamt) = 40">
> 	<xsl:apply-templates/>
>         </xsl:when>
> 	<xsl:when test="180 - sum($gesamt) = 60">
> 	<xsl:apply-templates/>
>         </xsl:when>
> 	<xsl:when test="180 - sum($gesamt) = 90">
> 	<xsl:apply-templates/>
>         </xsl:when>
> </xsl:choose>
> I think after the page-break the variable $gesamt should be "zero". Is
> this possible with"0"?
> Does anyone outthere have a hint for me how to solve this problem? If
> I use the code above I only receive one block per page.

What you are attempting is not clear to me, at least.  It may help if
you can post a bit more of your solution.

Since you use xsl:apply-templates each time, why not just test that
sum($gesamt) <= 180?

I don't know if you expect the variable $gesamt to change, but it won't
be updated once assigned.

What sort of output are you producing?  XSL-FO?


Tony Graham.

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