Re: [xsl] Test for child node categories

Subject: Re: [xsl] Test for child node categories
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 21:24:52 +0100
the easiest way of generating valid html from that markup is to generate
a div (rather than a p) for the answer, then the mixed content in the
input can map straght to mixed content in the output, and you don't have
to wrry about splitting up p's to allow block content like lists, as div
allows that. If you do want to use p though, think of it as a grouping
problem, grouping on being (or not being) a block element, and use
muenchian grouping or xsl2 for-each-group (there's some examples of this
in the list archives, and I think, the faq)


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