Prerelease of religion.200 available

Subject: Prerelease of religion.200 available
From: Jon.Bosak@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jon Bosak)
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 23:14:34 -0700
I've put a prerelease of a major revision to the religion set in a
temporary location:

There are lots of changes from the old release (1.10).  The biggest
change is that I've removed the verse numbers; these are now to be
generated by style sheets.  I've included sample DSSSL style sheets as
proof of concept.  Directions are included for generating RTF versions
of the XML files using Jade.

Not part of the release, but provided for reference purposes at the
same temporary location, are the RTF files you will get if you run
Jade using the style sheets included in the package:

I invite members of the dssslist and xml-dev to check out the new
release before I announce it to a wider audience.  I have tried hard
to make these files absolutely compliant XML, but previous experience
makes me doubt that I've gotten everything just right.  I would also
welcome constructive criticism of the DSSSL files.


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