[Fwd: DSSSL library]

Subject: [Fwd: DSSSL library]
From: Vivek Agrawala <vivek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 10:37:47 -0400
This message probably disappeared during the DSSSL-list outage
on June 25.

-- Vivek Agrawala
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Subject: DSSSL library
From: Vivek Agrawala <vivek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 17:51:41 -0400
Dave Love wrote:
> `string-ci>?'; also is the sort itself optimal?  [I have O' Keefe's
> mergsort coded if it's any use.]
> Is there somewhere to deposit such library-like stuff?

Collecting such things in one place seems like a good idea.
Here are a few things I collected from some recent posts. (see

-- Vivek Agrawala
Siemens Corporate Research, Inc.	email: vivek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
;; -- Similar to child-number, but also counts siblings with a GI
;; -- different than that of 'snl'.
(define (absolute-child-number snl)
  (+ 1 (node-list-length (preced snl))) )

;; -- Does 'snl' have a child with GI 'gi'.
(define (has-child? gi snl)
  (not (node-list-empty? (select-elements gi (children snl)))) )

;; -- In 'str', substitute all occurences of 'old-char' with 'new-char'.
(define (substitute-char str old-char new-char)
  (let ( (n (string-length str)) )
    (let loop ( (i 0) (newstr "") )
        ( (< i n)  (loop (+i 1) (string-append newstr (string
             (if (equal? (string-ref str i) old-char)
                   (string-ref str i) )))))

        ( (equal? i n)  newstr ) ))))

;; ---- define some standard functions not currently available in Jade

(define (match-element? pattern snl)
  (if (node-list-empty? (select-elements snl pattern)) #f #t) )

(define (ipreced snl)
  (.... ))

;; ---- some other useful DSSSL constructs

For example, the mechanism for selective processing of elements
mentioned in the thread on "A better way to be selective".

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