Re: (dsssl) Error using docbook dsssl stylesheets: "X20AC" is not a function name

Subject: Re: (dsssl) Error using docbook dsssl stylesheets: "X20AC" is not a function name
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 09:53:26 GMT

> jade:dtd/ent/iso-amsa.ent:8:19:E: "X21B6" is not a function name

This means that jade doesn't know that &#x21B6; is a hex character

Which means (almost certainly) that it hasn't seen the xml.dcl file that
contains the SGML declaration for XML. (so it won't know about other
XML features like <foo/>)

Unfortunately you can't (I think) make XML the default like you can with
nsgmls as jade needs to read the dsssl sheet as sgml not xml.

easiest is just to put xml.dcl on the command line as in

jade -t tex -d mathmlx.dsl  xml.dcl  file.xml

you'll find xml.dcl in the jade distribution.


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