Re: [jats-list] Best Practice Reference Format

Subject: Re: [jats-list] Best Practice Reference Format
From: Martin Holmes <mholmes@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 09:27:15 -0800
I disagree. It's usually practical to use (for instance) TEI <bibl> with mixed content, marking up all the data with the appropriate elements where it appears in the content, but preserving the punctuation and spacing, like this:

<bibl type="book" subtype="monograph" xml:id="du_bosc_1645"><author><name><surname>Du Bosc</surname> (<forename>Jacques</forename>)</name></author>, <title level="m">La Femme hC)roC/que ou les hC)roC/nes comparC)es avec les hC)ros en toute sorte de vertus</title>, <pubPlace>Paris</pubPlace>, <publisher>A. de Sommaville et A. CourbC)</publisher>, <date when="1645">1645</date>.</bibl>


Norias Anoria wrote:

I am told (by company making XML from old documents) that it is best
practice to have element-citation not mixed-citation, and if I want
mixed-citation they chould have no spaces or punctuation. Is this so?

Seems to that old print documents have correct punctuation. If tag
without, then software must add punctuation, and maybe not so easy to
get it right all the time.

What do you think?


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