Subject: RE:RE: Notation From: Bovone Stefano <Stefano.Bovone@xxxxxxxx> Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 09:14:12 +0200 |
I thought so too.
But there is a problem: the DXP parser doesn't validate the document, instead IE 5.0 final version validates it. (I use the example validate.htm).
Which make a mistake?
From: Marcus Carr[SMTP:mrc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Reply To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: mercoledì 31 marzo 1999 15.27
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Notation
Bovone Stefano wrote:
> I have the following problem: I have the XML document
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" stanalone="no"?>
> <!DOCTYPE HML SYSTEM "hml.dtd" [
> <!ENTITY pcl001 SYSTEM "pcl001.pcl" NDATA PCL>
> ]>
> <HML>
> ....
> The file hml.dtd is like:
> ....
> When I try to validate the XML document the parser said that it
> doesn't know the PCL notation.
> Is this right?
If the XML recommendation treats this the same way that the SGML
standard does, this is because the notation declaration must be declared
before it is used. With the construction you show however, the entity
declaration will be evaluated before hml.dtd is ever seen by the
processor. Try moving the notation declaration to the line before the
entity declaration and process again.
Marcus Carr email: mrc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Allette Systems (Australia) www:
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