Subject: Re: Replacement for "first-of-type", etc. From: James Clark <jjc@xxxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 08:42:21 +0700 |
You would have to do either: <xsl:template match="bold[last()=1]|emph[last()=1]|..."> ... </xsl:template> or <xsl:template match="*"> <xsl:variable name="cur" expr="."/> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="count(../*[namespace(.)=namespace($cur) and local-part(.)=local-part($cur)])=1"> ... </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> ... </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose </xsl:template> I am having a hard time thinking of a real-life problem where I would need to do this. Do you have one? Michel Goossens wrote: > > I would like to select all child element types that occur only once. > In the previous draft I wrote something like > <xsl-template match="*[first-of-type() and last-of-type()]"> > ... > > But I do not see an evident replacement in the current (April 22) draft. > > Here is an example: > > Consider the following XML file: > > <article> > <title>This is the article's title</title> > <author>Author One</author> > <author>Author Two</author> > <abstract>A <emph>short</emph> description of the contents</abstract> > <section> > <stitle>First section title</stitle> > <par>The first paragraph for this section.</par> > <par>A paragraph with <emph>emphasised</emph> text.</par> > <par>This is the end of the section.</par> > </section> > <section> > <stitle>Second section title</stitle> > <par>This is <emph>emph</emph> and <emph>more emph</emph> text.</par> > <par>Paragraph with <bold>bold</bold> and > <emph>emphasised</emph> text.</par> > </section> > </article> > > with the following XSL stylesheet: > > <?xml version='1.0'?> > <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""> > <xsl:template match="/"> > <xsl:text>(*root*)</xsl:text> > <xsl:apply-templates/> > <xsl:text>(/*root*)</xsl:text> > </xsl:template> > <xsl:template match="*" priority="-1"> > <xsl:text>(*)</xsl:text> > <xsl:apply-templates/> > <xsl:text>(/*)</xsl:text> > </xsl:template> > <xsl:template match="*[position()=1 and position()=last()]" priority="1"> > <xsl:text>($)</xsl:text> > <xsl:apply-templates/> > <xsl:text>(/$)</xsl:text> > </xsl:template> > </xsl:stylesheet> > > Then I obtain with xt the following output (which is correct): > > (*root*)($) > (*)This is the article's title(/*) > (*)Author One(/*) > (*)Author Two(/*) > (*)A ($)short(/$) description of the contents(/*) > (*) > (*)First section title(/*) > (*)The first paragraph for this section.(/*) > (*)A paragraph with ($)emphasised(/$) text.(/*) > (*)This is the end of the section.(/*) > (/*) > (*) > (*)Second section title(/*) > (*)This is (*)emph(/*) and (*)more emph(/*) text.(/*) > (*)Paragraph with (*)bold(/*) and > (*)emphasised(/*) text.(/*) > (/*) > (/$) > > But I would like to select the <title>, <abstract>, and <stitle> > elements, plus the <bold> and <emph> elements in the last <par> element > since they are unique child elements of their respective types for the > parent node. I tried to understand how to work with the preceding and > following-sibling axes, but the syntax I should use escapes me. > Can somebody explain how I could express my match pattern? Thanks. m > > ---------------------------------------------------- > Dr. Michel Goossens Phone: (+41 22) 767-5028 > IT Division Fax: (+41 22) 767-8630 > CERN Email: goossens@xxxxxxx > CH-1211 Geneva 23 F-01631 CERN Cedex > Switzerland France > > XSL-List info and archive: XSL-List info and archive:
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