Subject: Re: Formatting Objects considered harmful From: Håkon Wium Lie <howcome@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 22:17:02 +0200 (MET DST) |
I wrote: > > If servers output XFO instead of (X)HTML (or other globally known, > > abstract formats) harm is done. > > It would make absolutely no sense to do this. No? Not even if you wanted to create a semantic firewall? > Given this, realizing a document as an FO document would provide little > value to a client browser because the browser would still have to do the > layout and placement of areas within the regions and also deal with the > non-linear aspects of the flows. If a browser could do all this, then > applying the tree construction portion of XSL should be trivial. Yes, XTL is trivial compared to XFO and I don't think we will see browsers that support XFO and not XTL. On the generator side, however, I think we will see tools outputting XFO as they output PDF today. > Given the above, I don't think we should worry too much about people > shipping FO documents around. It really isn't practical. Did you try my demo described in [1]? In what way isn't it practical? [1] -h&kon Håkon Wium Lie howcome@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx simply a better browser XSL-List info and archive:
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