Re: Extension functions and Oracle V2 parser

Subject: Re: Extension functions and Oracle V2 parser
From: "Steve Muench" <smuench@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 23:10:26 -0700
| Does or will the Oracle v2 Java XML parser 
| support XSLT extension functions?

Support for extension elements/function didn't make the
release "train" for Release 2.0.2 of Oracle XML Parser V2
which is up on Oracle Tech Network now.

We prioritized getting a version of the XSLT engine 
out which supported the Last Call Drafts of XSLT and XPath
(August 13th) sooner over delaying the release to wait
until extension element support was in and tested. 

It will be in an upcoming, subsequent code drop of
the XSLT engine & parser.

Steve Muench, BC4J Development Team & XML Evangelist
Oracle Corporation

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